Material from Types and Natures workshop conducted by Relational Urbanism: Eduardo Rico and Enriqueta Llabres. This is a one week workshop on relational definition of building typologies within the 1212 Landscape Core Studio, GSD, Harvard directed by Chris Reed and taught by Gary Hilderbrand, David Mah and Miho Mazereeuw.
Jana Vandergoot, John McGrath, Michael Ezban
Heather Sullivan, Andrew Leonard, Chris Myers
Margo Yane, Emily Milliman, Kara Lam
Hugo Colon Acevedo, Shuai Hao, Chen Huang
Jana Vandergoot, John McGrath, Michael Ezban
Michael Easler, Karyssa Halstead, Connie Migliazzo
Katie Hotchkiss, David Kunugi, Tracie Curry
Hugo Colon Acevedo, Shuai Hao, Chen Huang
Hugo Colon Acevedo, Shuai Hao, Chen Huang
Lindsey Nelson, Ellen Garret, Mckenna Cole
Heather Dunbar, Rachael Cleveland, Xiaowei Wang
Lindsey Nelson, Ellen Garret, Mckenna Cole
Heather Dunbar, Rachael Cleveland, Xiaowei Wang
Kunkook Bae, Han Sol Kang, Taehyung Park
Michael Luegering, Alexander Arooyo, Frank Hu
Ran Li, Xin You, Yizhou Xu